Our Story

At The Store, we’re bringing together a dedicated community of support working to combat food insecurity in Middle Tennessee with empathy, dignity, and respect. Founded by Brad Paisley and Kimberly Williams-Paisley, The Store transcends traditional food aid, offering comprehensive solutions to hunger and poverty.

The Inspiration Behind The Store

The concept for The Store was sparked by a family value—service. Noticing that their children needed a broader perspective on the world, Kim expressed to Brad her desire to for them to begin volunteering.  “We’ve got to get them into service and get them out of their bubble, and help them understand that there are hungry people in the world,” Kim shared. This realization led the Paisleys to volunteer with their children at Unity Shop, a free supermarket in California, laying the foundation for what would become The Store in Nashville.

Opening Amidst Adversity

On March 12th, 2020, The Store opened its doors, only to face immediate and unprecedented challenges. Just ten days before its opening, Nashville was hit by a deadly tornado outbreak, leaving over 70,000 residents without power and marking it as the sixth costliest tornado in U.S. history. Amidst this chaos, The Store, though working at limited capacity, sprang into action to assist those affected.

Days after the tornado, the COVID-19 pandemic forced a nationwide shutdown, including Tennessee’s shelter-in-place order. This necessitated an urgent pivot from The Store’s initial model. Brad, Kim, and the team developed a pandemic program overnight, offering curbside pickup and home delivery services, particularly to the elderly, operating in this manner for the next 17 months.

Seeing Hunger First-Hand

“It’s not until you open something like this that you really see it,” Brad reflected on the prevalence of hunger and food insecurity within the community. The Store became a place where the faces of those they aimed to serve became known, highlighting a need greater than anyone could have anticipated.

A Model of Choice and Dignity

The Store distinguishes itself by offering a unique shopping experience that upholds the dignity of its customers. Unlike traditional food pantries, The Store invites shoppers to choose their foods from a variety of fresh, healthy options. This model ensures that families have access to meat, dairy, and fresh produce—often hard to find in traditional food assistance programs.

Navigating the Pandemic

The Store’s resilience was further tested by the pandemic, leading to an inspiring response from the community. Brad, Kim, and volunteers rallied to provide meals to nearly 800 households weekly, delivering more than 1.5 million meals in 18 months. The community’s gratitude was palpable, with recipients offering standing ovations to those delivering food.

Join Our Story

The Store’s story is one of love, compassion, and community. Inspired by a simple yet profound vision from Brad Paisley and Kimberly Williams-Paisley, it has grown into a vital resource for Nashville’s residents facing food insecurity. As we look to the future, we invite you to join us—whether through volunteering, donating, or simply spreading the word. Together, we can ensure that every neighbor has access to the healthy, nutritious food they deserve, fostering a community where dignity and choice are within everyone’s reach.

Thank you for being a part of our story.